Melodine is a Lil' Shoppie from the Happy Places Dreamy Bear Lil' Shoppie pack, which came out in 2016. She was also released as a normal Shoppie in 2017.
Happiness is....
Being pitch perfect while pumping out some smooth sounds with her Petkin friends in the Dreamy Bear bedroom. Melodine's day always ends on a happy note!
Happy Places Website Bio[]
Being pitch perfect. Her favorite thing is to sing! She loves pumping out smooth sounds with her Petkins in the Bear Bedroom. That way the day always ends on a happy note!
Happy Places[]
Melodine is a light-skinned girl with curly purple hair worn in a bun, with two tight finger curls framing her face and her bangs curled inward. She has yellow eyes and wears a white and black piano key-patterned headband with a bow that has a music note in the middle. Her music-themed outfit consists of a white top with pink frilly sleeves, pink trim on the collar, and a treble clef design, and a piano key tutu. Also, she wears lavender tights with pink ballet slippers.
She has the same eyes with a tiny music note icon on them and pale pink lips and blushed cheeks. Her eye-shadow is gold with purple and pink music notes above them. Her hair is worn in a curled ponytail held by thin braids, and her bangs are waist length and worn in a large, loose curl on each side of the head, worn with a white and purple piano key headband with a gold music note and wing on each side. Her outfit resembles her original version, but has more pink detail and a gold treble clef at the middle, and her skirt has a glittery, purple lace layer beneath it. Her tights are lighter and her shoes have gold ribbon around the ankles to accent the large music note on the side.
- Her name is a pun on the word "melody."
- She and Lippy Lulu are the first Lil' Shoppies to not be themed after a type of food or beverage.